Do you live in Pinelands and surrounds? Look at our prospectus and see why you should choose Pinelands High School as the co-ed high school of choice for your child.
- Positioned 6th in the province of all co-ed schools.
- Positioned 19th in the top 20 schools in the province (schools with an NSC enrolment of 80 or more candidates, including independent/private schools).
- EGD (Engineering Graphics & Design) placed 1st in the Metro Central District and 5th in the province.
- History placed 8th in the province.
- In the top overall candidates in the Metro Central District – 9th place Sarah Parker
- Top Physical Sciences student in the MetroCentral District – Samuel Tucker 98%
- Top EGD candidate Metro Central District and 5th EGD candidate in the province – Sarah Parker 99%